2017 武功山越野赛于9 月3日(周日)02:00-24:00在江西萍乡武功山举行,赛事分设72 公里(累计爬升5535m)、50 公里(累计爬升3147m)、32 公里(累计爬升1848m),赛事规模800人。





Thousands of peaks stick up like an emerald hairpin, 

five mountains can just compare with Wugong Mountain;

The sun looks like the smelting gold, people walk around as drifting in the cloud.

Poem by Xiake Xu


武功山雄奇俊秀、景色迷人,自古为江南三大名山之一,有“衡首庐尾武功中”之美誉。数十万亩高山草甸,碧波万倾,奇绝神州。武功山风光旖旎,海拔高差1600米,高山垂直型自然植被景观为江西省境内罕见,高山草甸,黄山松群落为江南罕见。武功山的自然生态环境集雄、险、 奇、幽、秀于一山;奇峰怪岩,佛光云海,幽泉飞瀑,高山草甸,奇花异草,景观交相辉印。


Wugong Mountain is located in the north of Luoxiao Mountains and the southeast of Pingxiang City, Jiangxi Province. The area of the scenic spot is 130.5sq.km. It consists of four scenic spots: Golden Peak, Sheep and Lion Peak, Nine-Dragon Mountain and Fayun Border. The main peak White Crane Peak with the height of 1918.3m is the highest peak in Jiangxi Province.

Wugong Mountain is marvelous, steep and charming. It is one of the three famous mountains in the southern of China from the ancient. It is as famous as Lushan and Hengshan. The 100,000 Mu alpine meadows cover a large area like ripples. Wugong Mountain is exquisite with an elevation of 1600 meters. The vertical landscape of alpine meadows is rare in Jiangxi Province. Alpine meadow is also rare in the south of China. There are queer rocks, the light of Buddhism, waterfall, alpine meadows, and flowers. 

The core race route is alpine meadow, which is charming. Running wildly through the endless and boundless alpine meadow at a altitude that above one thousand five hundred meters. Sunlight occasionally filtered through clouds and shimmers on the water. While winds and clouds now and then changes waywardly, mist wrapping. The magnificent and graceful scenery is under our eyes, what a marvel phenomena! Wugong Mountain has been described as “the holy land of trail running” in the south of China.

赛事组织Event Organization




Host: The administrative committee of Wugong Mountain Scenic Area, Pingxiang 

Organizer:Jiangxi Wugong Mountain Sky-Prairie and outdoor Activities Development Co., Ltd. 

Co-organizers:Wugong Mountain Outdoor Sport Association, Wugong Mountain Blue Sky Rescue Team, PingXiang Long Distance running Association, Pingxiang Mountaineering Association

赛事日期及地点Date & Place of Races

报到时间:2017 年 9 月2日(周六)09:00-22:00

比赛时间:2017 年 9 月3日(周日)02:00-24:00 比赛地点:江西萍乡武功山

Time(Check-in): September 2, 2017 ( Saturday)  09:00a.m.to 22:00p.m.

Race Day: September 3, 2017 (Sunday) 02:00a.m. to 24:00p.m.  

Location: Wugong Mountain, Pingxiang City, Jiangxi Province.


1.72 公里(累计爬升5535m)

2.50 公里(累计爬升3147m)

3.32 公里(累计爬升1848m)

1)72km (a cumulative elevation gain of 5535 meters)

2)50km (a cumulative elevation gain of 3147 meters)

3)32km (a cumulative elevation gain of 1848 meters)

参赛名额和报名费Entry Limit and Registration Fee

竞赛办法Competition Rules


2. 比赛时间:

3. 关门时间:参赛选手未在规定的关门时间跑完对应的距离须立即停止比赛, 退出赛道。


1) All participants should carry out storage, check-in and assembly according to the competition items in the specified time and area. 

2) Race Timing

3) Cut-offs

The participants will have to stop the competition immediately and exit the track if they don’t finish the corresponding distance in specified cut-off time.

The cut-off time of each category is as follows:







4. 计时成绩:途中各检查站设有计时点,选手必须取得所有分段计时点的成绩,方才获得全程有效比赛成绩。

5. 所有参赛运动员须按照规定到相应的存放点存放个人物品,不接受任何贵重 物品(包括手机、钱包、银行卡、ipad 等)的存放,如若参赛运动员将贵重物品私藏在寄存包内办理了存放而丢失,组委会不予任何赔偿。参赛运动员可在比赛当日到指定存包处领取个人存放物品。如超过领取时间没有领取的,可于第二天到赛事组委会领取,如 5 日之内不领取或不联系组委会,组委会将按无人领取处理。

4) Result:on the way to the finish, allthe checkpoints have a timing point, and the participants must achieve all the results of segmented timing points, then they can have effective results of the whole journey.

5) Baggage deposit will be made available to all runners.Please do not put valuables in your deposit bag (such as mobile phones, wallet, credit card, iPad, etc.). While maximum care and security will be enforced, the Race organizer will not be responsible for any loss or damaged items. Participants who choose to use this service may do so at their own risk.All runners can get their personal items at the designated package place on the race day.Those who are unable to collect the baggage by above-mentioned time can go to the organizing committee for the next day and claim your bag within five days after the race. Afterthese five days, all unclaimed baggage will be disposed by organizing committee.

6. 组委会将对起点、全程路线和终点进行监察,出现以下违反比赛规定的参赛运动员将被取消参赛成绩并报请组委会裁判组追加处罚:









6) There will be surveillance for the starting points, the entire race route and the finishing points. A runner who commits any of the following violations shall be disqualified for race or be banned from competing in the race, and he/she shall be reported to the organizing committee for additional penalties.

Cheat in registration, such as false age, fake experience certificate;

Makes other people take place of themselves during the race;

Carries two or more timing chips in the race; 

Starts the race not in the designated area;

Having false start in the starting point activities without following the provisions;

Occupies the race track after the gate closing time despite being dissuaded or returns to the race track after quitting;

Finishes the race without following the specified route or by taking a shortcut deliberately(deflect the route over 500meters)or any means of transportation in the midway;

Refuses to follow the directions of the event staff or interferes with the race or fights or gathers a crowd to make disturbances.






The participants will be disqualified or cut-offed in the event of the following conditions:

Refuse mandatory gear check or lack of mandatory gear.

Offending other runners and volunteers.

Refuse to follow instructions of the organizer, medical emergency staff and volunteers.

Arriving later than any cut-off time.



年龄限 18 周岁以上(1999 年 9 月 2 日前出生),65 周岁以下(1952 年 9 月 2 日后出生) 









6.  其他不适合运动的疾病患者。



Participants shall be at least 18 years old (born before September 2, 1999), and participants shall be below 65 years old (born after September 2, 1952)

2)Health Requirement

The Trail Running Race is an athletic sport of high intensity and great demand of endurance over a long distance which involves a degree of risk. As it raises high demand on the physical condition, participants are expected to have good health and some running,training or outdoor hiking experience. 

People with the following conditions are not allowed to participate in all the competitions in the race:

congenital or rheumatic heart disease;

hypertension or cerebrovascular disease;

myocarditis or other cardiac diseases;

coronary artery disease or serious arrhythmia;

diabetes with too high or too low blood sugar; or

other diseases unfit for sports.

All participants shall be liable for personal injury and property loss caused by personal health condition or other personal reasons during the event. Before the entry, participants are required to have physical check-up (including electrocardiographic examination which should be submitted on the day of check-in race) in qualified medical institutions, and make a self-evaluation to confirm if the physical condition is suitable for the event of their choice. 



72 公里组:需提交最近 1 年内参加 50km 或更长距离的越野赛完赛证明;

50 公里组:需提交最近 1 年内参加 30km 或更长距离的越野赛完赛证明;

32 公里组:需提交最近 1 年内全马证书或参加 21km(含)以上越野赛完赛证明。

3) Experience Requirement

The participants should be careful to assess their own athletic ability and pay attention to regular training due to the high degree of difficulty of the track:

72km:to submit the certificate of completing at least a trail-running race for 50km in the last one year;.

50km: to submit the certificate of completing at least a trail-running race for 30km in the last one year;.

32km:to submit the marathon finisher’s certificate or certificate of completing a trail-running race for 21km (including) in the last one year.


During the registration period, all applicants must read and agree to the “competition rules”, “entry statement”, “risk warning “and then truthfully fill in all the registration information and submit them, and the application is valid only upon that the applicants pay the application fee successfully and submit the entry qualification which must be passed. After the registration deadline, theparticipants can check the relevant process and related requirements in accordance with the mail of registration confirmation.


1. 报名:2017 年 5 月 20 日—7 月 31 日,额满即止。

2. 报名完成以支付报名费成功为准。报名完成后若未通过资格审核,报名费将予以退还。

3. 报名成功(通过参赛资格审核)后不能取消,报名费不予返还。

4. 报名选手可于 2017 年 7 月 31 日前转让比赛名额,但每次须缴纳人民币 100 元的转让手续费。且受让方必须符合参赛资格。

4) Registration

Time: May 20, 2017-July 31, 2017.Registrations are closed for all distances when quota is full.

The completion of registration is subject to the successful payment of the registration fee. The registration fee will be refunded if the qualification review does not pass with the completion of registration.

Once you are registered and qualified to race, your entry fee is not refundable. 

The entry transfer is accepted until July 31, 2017. Administration fee is ¥100 and you must find thequalified person to transfer your entry.



领取时间为 2017 年 9 月 2 日 9:00—22:00;



5) Race Pack Collection   

It includes Race Bib、Timing Chip(Bracelet)、 Eventgifts

Time:September 2, 2017.  9:00a.m.—10:00p.m.

Race packs pick up station: The Tourist Center of Wugong Mountain, Pingxiang City, Jiangxi Province.

6) The participants are at their own expense of transportation, accommodation and other expenses. The Organizing Committee provides short-term access to the designated route of the race (free of charge for the participants with race bibs). More details in race guide.


医疗救护Rescue and Medical Assistance



1) The Organizing Committee will arrange medical rescue team at checkpoints,the start and the finishtimely to deal with emergency medical situation. Please contact the emergency number printed on the race bib for help when needed. If participant get injured in dangerous accident caused by unpredictable and irresistible force, the race organizer will do our best to provide rescue and assistance after the race, but will not bear direct or indirect liability for compensation. This is also applied for the volunteers.

2) Along the track, The Organizing Committee will assign volunteers in the specific areas to assist medical care and maintain the order of the race, the participants can ask for their help if necessary.



If drop out of the race on the course, please go to the nearest check point. A withdrawal statement is to be signed and your race bib will be cut off. Waiting for the staff to assist you to return to the Finish. If you drop out of the race on the course without notifying anybody, organizer will not take any responsibility for all sub sequences.





 Insurance:The Organizing Committee purchases personal accident insurance for all runners and staff. 

Issues not covered herein are subject to further notices and updates.

The Organizing Committee of Wugong Mountain Trail Running Racereserves all the rights to the interpretation of the Rules and Regulations.