大白兔杯 2019 UTFT ECOTRAIL东黄山斐越国际越野赛

2019-11-03 07:30
安徽省 黄山市 黄山
组别 费用 状态
¥ 500.00
¥ 260.00
¥ 120.00

大白兔杯2019UTFT ECOTRAIL东黄山斐越国际越野赛将于2019年11月3日(星期日) 07:30在安徽东黄山鸣枪开赛,赛事分设:60Km300人,30Km300人,及5Km400人,三个组别规模共计1000人。

大白兔杯2019UTFT东黄山ECO Trail斐越国际越野赛是东黄山旅游度假区的第三届国际越野跑赛事.是安徽省首个取得ITRA赛道认证的赛事.在秋高气爽、天高云淡中用一种生态自然的越野跑步方式亲近黄山,深度体验皖南秋色。




组织机构 Organization


Host: Sport Administration of Anhui Province;

People’s Government of Huangshan City


Organizer: Sports Administration of Huangshan City;

People's Government of Huangshan District

East Huangshan Holiday Resort Co., Ltd



Operator:  FISports

赛事信息 Events Information

一、组织机构 Organization


Host:  Sport Administration of Anhui Province;

         People’s Government of Huangshan City


Organizer:  Sports Administration of Huangshan City;

                People's Government of Huangshan District

                East Huangshan Holiday Resort Co., Ltd



Operator:  FISports

二、赛事信息 Events Information

1. 赛事时间及地点 Race Date, Venue


Race Date: Nov. 3th,2019 (Sunday)


Starting Time: 07:30

比赛地点:安徽 东黄山

Venue: East Huangshan Anhui

2. 比赛项目 Division


TRAIL (60Km)/30km/Fun Run(5Km)

三、赛事规模 Scale


Division and Scale: Trail 60Km (300 Participants),30Km(300 Participants), Fun Run (300 Participants),(1000 Participants)

四.报名费Registration Fee


For Chinese national players ,there will be a special price for those who register before October 23, 2019.

1) 中国籍选手Participants(China):

60公里:500元/人           TRAIL 60Km: 500RMB/Person

  早鸟价: 180元/人

30公里:260元/人           TRAIL 30Km: 260RMB/Person

   早鸟价:120 元/人

亲子跑5公里: 120元/人   5Km&Fun  Run: 120RMB/Person

   早鸟价:60 元/人

2) 海外选手Participants(Overseas):

60公里:80美元/人          TRAIL 60Km: $80

30公里:50美元/人          TRAIL 60Km: $50

亲子跑5公里:20美元/人    5Km&Fun  Run: $20

五、竞赛办法 Method of Competition

1. 所有比赛项目按中国田径协会最新的田径竞赛规则和UTFT竞赛章程执行。

All divisions are subject to the latest track and field rules of the Chinese Athletics Association and the UTFT Series rules and regulations

2. 比赛检录 Race Roll Call


All runners need to be arrived at certain area on Nov. 3th,2019

3. 检录时间:(具体时间另行公布)Race Roll Call Time(Will be announced later)

4. 起跑顺序 Starting Order


Race roll call and start will be in the order of TRAIL60Km,30Km ,5Km& Fun Run


Starting Time:Nov. 3th,2019


Starting Time: 07:30

6. 计时办法 Timing Method

1) 本次比赛为各项目提供感应计时,感应计时芯片将在参赛运动员通过起点开始计时。

All runners will use timing chips, which starts working when you cross the start line.

2) 在起点、终点及赛道各结点将设置计时毯,参赛运动员在跑进过程中,必须通过所有地面计时毯,若在关门时间内完成比赛但缺少任何一个计时点成绩,将不予排名。

Runners need to run through each timing carpet during the race. Those who finish within the cut-off time but without complete record from all timing points will not be qualified for final ranking.

3) 计时芯片将在参赛物品领取现场与号码布一同发放。

Timing chips can be collected with bib number before race.

7. 有关竞赛的具体要求和安排,请查阅《参赛指南》(在赛前发放参赛包时发放)。

For more information, please refer to《Race Guide》(When Packet Pick-up)

8. 组委会将在出发点和终点计时处进行录像监控,违反比赛规定的参赛运动员将被取消参赛成绩,个人资料将录入报名识别系统,两年内禁止参加UTFT系列赛事。违规包含以下几种类型:

1) 使用虚假年龄或虚假身份报名

2) 未按要求佩戴号码布

3) 未按规定佩戴芯片的(如携带他人计时芯片,一名运动员同时携带2枚及以上计时芯片参加比赛)

4) 未按规定起跑时间在非报名项目、非出发区起跑

5) 起跑有违反规则行为的

6) 未按规定线路比赛,抄近道或途中插入

7) 伪造号码布参赛或替跑

8) 比赛中采用挤人、推人、撞人、绊人等犯规行为

9) 未跑完全程或在终点不按规定要求重复通过领取纪念品

10) 不服从赛事工作人员指挥,干扰赛事,聚众闹事

11) 其他违反比赛规定行为,按照比赛有关规定进行处理

Video are monitoring on the entire race course. Runners will be punished as disqualification from the race immediately, barred for race for 2 years, barred for life and Chinese Athletics Association may put additional punishments if runners committed any of the followings:

● Misrepresentation on age when registration.

● Racing with two or more than two timing chips (including one participants carrying timing chip of the other gender).

● Racing in relay.

● Not following the start order and start at non-designated area.

● Against the rules when starting.

● Continuing racing after cutoff time or re-enter the course after dropping out of the race.

● Not racing along the course. Shortcut or taking public transportation.

● Crossing the finish line repeatedly or not completing the whole distance but crossing the finish line to get finisher medal.

● Forging bib number or using bib number of other races with timing chip of this race to finish.

● Not following with staff order. Rioters who disturbing the race order.

● Uncivil behavior.

● Other behaviors against the rules. Consequences arising during the race from enrolling by misrepresentation or transferring entry to another person shall be banned of Chengdu Marathon race forever.

9. 各项目关门时间 Gate Closing Time


Those who are unable to complete the respective distance by the cutoff time shall stop racing and leave the course, in case of any dangers. Those who drop out of the race can take event vehicle or take public transportation to the finish line.

4. 奖励办法 Awards Method

1) 60公里、30公里男、女前三名分别获奖金(见下表:税前人民币)

TRAIL 60Km,TRAIL 30KmMale and Female Top Three Prize (Currency: RMB, pre tax)

3) 完赛奖:在关门时间内跑完30Km、60Km项目的参赛运动员均获得完赛奖牌。

All official finishers will receive a finisher medal if they finish their subjects on time.


All participants are allowed to log on to the official website to download and print their certificate of achievement after the event.


Any unrelated item to the event is prohibited, the winners of RAIL30Km、TRAIL60Km must wear official permitted kit to join award ceremony. Otherwise, they will be automatically regarded as abandoning the award.


The winners of the half marathon will be listed on official website for 10 days. If they do not contact the organizing committee within 30 days after releasing the final results, they will be automatically regarded as abandoning the award. If the result of any winner is regarded as invalid during the period, the winner will be disqualified, however, the ranking for all will not be changed.


All above-mentioned awards and prize will be distributed by the higher award standard. All the awards are subject to a 20% personal income tax.



The first three participants of both male and female will be ranked by gun time, other participants will be ranked according to the chip time. (RAIL30Km、TRAIL60Km)


This event does not allow the use any tools (such as: wheelchairs, roller skating, etc.) to participate.

六、参赛办法 Registration Information

1. 报名须知Registration Approach

1) 年龄要求Age Qualification

A. RAIL30Km、TRAIL60Km项目运动员须在比赛当年满16周岁(2003年12月31日及之前出生)。

RAIL30Km、TRAIL60Km participants must be born before 2003 (>16-year-old).

B. 欢乐跑参赛者年龄不限,18岁以下未成年人参赛需要求其监护人或法定代理人签署参赛声明;12周岁以下未成年人参赛需要求其监护人共同报名陪同参赛。

5km & Fun Run participants. Guardians or legal representatives of the participants who are under 18-year-old, are required to sign the race declaration. The legal guardians should accompany participants who are under 12-year-old.

C. 以上所有项目18岁以下未成年人参赛需要求其监护人或法定代理人签署参赛声明。

Guardians or legal representatives of the participants who are under 18-year-old, are required to sign the race declaration.


The age limit for specially invited participants may be extended appropriately.

2) 参赛者身体状况要求Physical Qualification


Road running is a high loading and high requiring long distance competitive sport and involves high risks. Participants are highly required physically. They should be physically healthy and practice running on a long-term basis. Participants with any of the following conditions should not participate in the race: congenital or rheumatic heart disease/hypertension or cerebrovascular disease/myocarditis or other cardiac diseases/coronary artery disease or serious arrhythmia/diabetes/pregnancy/caught a cold within two weeks before the race/any other high-risk conditions:








3) 在比赛中,因个人身体及其它个人原因导致的人身损害和财产损失,由参赛者自行承担责任。

We will not accept the responsibility of personal injury and property damage caused by personal reason during race,

4) 报名资格


All participants are strongly recommended to go to the relevant medical institutions for a comprehensive physical examination and apply for personal accident insurance on their own.

2. 报名办法Registration Approach

1) 报名时间:2019年9月18日起开放报名,报满为止。

From Aug 18th, 2019 and reaching maximum participant amount

2) 每名参赛选手须认真填写所有报名信息并提交。

All participants are required to submit authentic personal information; Registration will be finished when payment done.

3) 参赛选手交通费、食宿费、比赛期间伤病医疗费等费用自理。

Transportation fee, board and lodging expenses, medical fee during race will not be included.

4) 报名成功后报名费不予退还,名额仅限本人参赛,不允许转让。

Once registered, the personal information cannot be changed. The registration fee cannot be refunded due to participants’ personal reasons

5) 本次比赛当天对所有项目参赛运动员提供存取包服务。

Packet storage and pick-up service will be provided for all participates in race day.

3. 报名费Registration Fee

免费 Free

七、参赛物资领取Race Bag Pick-up

1. 所有项目参赛运动员均配发参赛服(由于参赛服制作工期长,组委会尽可能满足选手的尺码需求并建议选手尽早领取)、赛包、号码布(一大一小)和计时芯片。

Each participant is assigned one T-shirt, one race bag, two bibs (one big, one small, color set by distance), and an event guide.

2. 参赛运动员领取参赛包时,须携带有效身份证件,代领人需提供代领人身份证原件、被代领人身份证原件或复印件和代领委托书。

When the participants come to pick up their bags, they must bring valid ID cards. The agent should bring their own ID card and the copy of the participant’s ID card.

3. 参赛包领取时间及地点:(待定)

Race Bag Pick-up Location and Date: TBD



Insurance will be provided to all participants. Full responsibilities will be taken by participants if they fail to buy the insurance caused of incorrect information. Violators with any misrepresentation behavior are not eligible for insurance.

九、组委会联系方式Official Contact

报名咨询热线Official Q&A Number::18917134916 (可加微信)

官方邮箱Official Q&A Email:17696397@qq.com    

十、其他 Others

1. 未尽事项,另行通知,本规程解释权归UTFT组委会所有。

There will be information about other items and the organizing committee has all the explaining right reserved.


If there is ambiguity between Chinese and English, the Chinese will prevail.

Official WeChat

This event does not allow the use any tools (such as: wheelchairs, roller skating, etc.) to participate.



we will provide bus pick-up service for the compitors departing from Shanghai. All the competitors and their families are 200RMB/ person. For details, please consult the staff above or scan the code to join the official bus WeChat group. The departure time and return time will be announced in WeChat group.