2020 INTERSPORT 爱·奔跑 情人节接力赛(赛事取消)

2020-02-15 09:00
上海市 浦东新区钱家滩路288号L138一层INTERSPORT跑步旗舰店
组别 费用 状态
¥ 66.00


Still don’t know how to celebrate the coming Valentine's Day? Have dinner? Go shopping? Watch movie? Seems too normal?


Don’t worry! What about joining the INTERSPORT LOVE&RUN Couple Relay? Do sports and be healthy, happy Valentine's day.

It’s couple relay race: first runner runs 1.25k, second runner runs 2.5k, finally both runners finish 1.25k together. Total distance is 5k.
本次活动还设有 | We set the prizes:
1.最快跑者CP奖 | Fastest Couple

2.最佳着装CP奖 | Best Dressed Couple

3.完赛CP礼物 | All Finishers Receive A Gift

奖品实物更新中 / Actual prizes are coming soon


- 报名金额涵盖一对Couple的参赛费用;
- 此为运动活动,请穿着合适服装;
- 参赛者年龄需在16周岁以上,请评估自身情况参加;
- 如因空气质量问题或天气因素,可能延期本次活动;
- 一旦报名成功,因个人原因取消报名,所有费用概不退还且信息不得更改,敬请谅解!

- The registration fee is PER COUPLE;

- This is a sports event, DRESS PROPERLY;
- All participants must be older than 16 years old, please join according to your own condition;
- The event may be postponed due to high AQI or other weather factors;
- Once successfully registered, if the registration is cancelled due to personal reasons, all fees will not be refunded and the information will not be changed,thanks!

关注公众号,加入INTERSPORT Run Club
