2017 长春净月潭国际森林山地自行车马拉松定于8月27日在吉林长春举行,设长距离60公里、短距离30公里,关门时间5小时、3小时,规模600人。
(Please see English version below)
个人报名咨询:郭女士 18946562760
团队电话报名:秦女士 13756033392
1. 报名以交付报名费成功为准,报名截止日期前未付款选手组委会视为报名失效。
2. 年满16周岁可报名参赛。
1. 报名费用包含赛事保险,饮品补充,参赛包及相关礼品,赛事纪念牌。
2. 参赛选手须自行准备比赛用车并带好修补携带装备。为确保比赛安全,选手必须佩戴头盔、骑行手套及眼镜。
3. 佩戴头盔是组委会硬性要求。
4. 山地自行车选手要确保自己使用的自行车适用于比赛赛道
5. 脚锁等外界辅助骑行工具是不允许被使用的,赛前要全部卸除,组委会将对选手进行检查。
6. 所有参赛选手请仔细阅读官方网站上所列出的竞赛规则和竞赛须知,如有问题请与诺迪维瓦萨员工联系或直接电邮给media@nordicways.com 。
7. 竞赛包领取时间及地址:8月26日9:00-20:00
8. 参赛包包括:一次性计时芯片,号码布,号码贴,赛事手册,纪念奖牌,纪念衫及纪念品(暂定)
9. 所有参赛选手需要签署免责声明书
2017年8月27日, 星期日
07:45 热身表演,暖场秀
08:00 开幕式
08:30 60公里开始比赛
08:40 30公里开始比赛
10:30-13:00 音乐及颁奖派对
11:30 30公里比赛关门时间
13:30 60公里比赛关门时间
1. 此次比赛将遵循中国自行车协会颁布的最新章程
2. 比赛期间,组委会将依据最新规程对违规选手进行相关责罚。
3. 不可抗力:组委会为保证比赛安全有权根据赛事当天不可预见的意外状况更改或取消赛程。
4. 选手因未认真阅读竞赛须知而产生任何危险,将由选手自行承担。
1. 赛前请最终确认你的比赛装备齐全,必须佩戴骑行头盔,参赛号码布及车贴。若有违规将视比赛结果无效。
2. 赛前5分钟请听从现场裁判指示并做好相应赛前准备。
3. 组委会不提供发枪台。
4. 60公里关门时间为发枪后5小时,即13:30,30公里关门时间为发枪后3小时,即11:30。
1. 请自行准备山地赛事专用自行车,机动车不得上道。
2. 赛事自行车尺寸要求为26-29寸山地自行车。
3. 外胎应为1.75英寸及以上宽,带胎纹山地胎,不得使用光头胎
4. 车辆可以使用软或硬的避震
5. 前后轮刹车性能必须良好
1. 请按要求佩戴计时芯片,号码布,腿贴及自行车号码贴并穿着专业骑行服
2. 未佩戴骑行头盔者不得参赛。
3, 可携带眼镜等安全物品,危险物品如酒瓶玻璃容器等危险物禁止携带参赛。
1. 禁止作弊,绕近道或肢体言语冲突等行为会被取消比赛资格
2. 比赛成绩以电子计时器为主,人工手动计时为辅
3. 请自行准备备胎及简易修理工具,裁判由中国自行车协会指定,并遵循最新版中国自协规程
4. 如遇恶劣天气等不可抗力,组委会有权增加或减少参赛组别或临时调整组别参与人数,所有变动均以保证赛事安全为前提,请参赛选手随时注意通告并服从组委会安排。
5. 请随时关注我们的官方网站及微博微信,报名后保持手机畅通以便我们随时联系您
电话:0431-8964 5455 / 189 4656 2760(报名) 0431-8964 5822(退费)
Changchun Jingyuetan Forest Mountain Biking Marathon is a competition created by Vasa. This mountain bike competition is a race following the rules of UCI (Union Cyclist International). Changchun Jingyuetan Forest Mountain Biking Marathon will now be held for the third time after a successful start last year.
Changchun Jingyuetan National Forest Park is one of the most beautiful national scenic spots in Changchun and during August, the air is traditionally fresh and cool. The concept of this race is a combination of sports activity, leisure time, and travel. Changchun Jingyuetan Forest Mountain Biking Marathon is a celebration of all the participants. Let the music, singing and cheering follow you around the track and have a pleasant time on your MTB.
I. Start Time:
8:30 am. August 27th, 2017
II. Race Type:
Mountain Biking Marathon
60 kilometers and 30 kilometers
III. Track:
1 or 2 laps. 30k or 60k. A mix of forest and road biking, suitable for everyone with a mix of easy road cycling and more challenging single tracks.
IV. Competition Terrain:Changchun Jingyuetan National Forest Park
1. Chinese participants are required to provide valid information such as Name, Gender, ID, Birth Date and Native Place same as the ones of the permanent residence booklet.
Non-Chinese participants are required to provide valid information such as Name, Gender, ID, and Nationality same as the ones printed in their valid passports.
2. Participants must be over the age of 16-60 years old (born after August 27th 1957, before August 27th, 2001), Changchun Jingyuetan Forest MTB Marathon is a mountainbike challenge with timing via electronic chip for non-professional and recreational athletes.
3. Participants should be engaged in bicycle exercise, and must have a good physical health conditioning for this race. Must have minimum vision impairment , in audition no signs of disease. Participants should not display any symptoms such as the following: fever, cold, heart attack, hypertension, myocardial infarction and/or cerebral thrombosis. Participants should also be mentally healthy and emotionally stable . Participants should not be taking any drinks, foods or drugs which will affect their mental ability and awareness. The organizing committee reserves the right to disqualify any of the participants.
(1) Participants are required to be in proper and healthy condition and will sign a statement – see below - saying so upon collecting the number bib at the event’s race office. Nordic Ways declines all liability if health problems are experienced during the event.
(2) Participants need to sign the “Legal Liability Exemption and Waiver of Rights”, you can download it from the official website (www.mtbvasa.com) and print it out. Please sign it and then you can hand it in at the competition office. Also you can pick up and sign the form at the competition office.
(3) Nordic Ways will purchase insurances for the registered athletes until five days before the start of the Changchun Jingyuetan Forest MTB Marathon, based on the correct information provided. Hence, participants are required to fill in the necessary information in correct fashion. Otherwise, they are personally responsible for any risk or injury occurred during the event.
(4) As of XX DATE 2017, people who still wish to sign up for the competition are required to arrange their own insurance cover.
(5) Registered participants who obtain injury or any other health hazard during the event shall follow the official insurance procedure. Nordic Ways will not pay the medical treatment fee in advance.
4. There is no limitation of gender or nationality of the participant.
5. Every participant can only sign up for one race distance.
6. People who are currently professional athletes may not take part in this race. A professional biker is a person who features on the official team roster of a UCI licensed ELITE MTB team, UCI MTB team, or roadbike UCI ProTour, Pro Continental or Continental team. The team rosters and names of riders are available on the website of the UCI, the International Cycling Federation. There can therefore be no discussion. Top amateur riders who are hired as occasional guestriders for any of the aforementioned team categories are not considered professionals. In addition, athletes registered to the Chinese Cycling Association can not take part in this competition.
7. Groups and Ages.
1.Time for Application:
①Online Application Time:today—August 20th, 2017
Official Website:www.mtbvasa.com
②APP Application:
③Mobile Application for Group Participants:
Mobile Contact Information:Mrs. Qin 137-5603-3392
a. A successful application is registered when you have paid the application fee. It is considered an invalid registration if you haven’t paid before the registration deadline.
b. For this competition, the minimum age for participate is 16 years old.
2.Application Fee
The fee includes insurance for the competition, water and sportsdrink, competition bag including a lot of gifts, memorial medal.
(1) Wearing a helmet is mandatory for each participant in the MTB event.
Mountainbikers are personally responsible to ensure their bikes and equipment are fit for the task, including the rental bike of choice.
(2) Only leg power is allowed. Any kind of automatic or mechanic aids are disallowed. Footpeg, lock, etc. shall all be removed before the start of the event. Nordic Ways staff preserves the right to check participants’ bicycles at any time during the event if there is a suspicion of sporting fraud
(3) Each participant must read through the full specific event regulations and guidelines, which are posted on the website. If anything is unclear, please address your question to a Nordic Ways staff or to media@nordicways.com
3. Opening hours for picking up your participant bag is:
August 26th 09:00-20:00
Place:Competition office is located east of the Main Gate of Changchun Jingyuetan Park.
You need to sign in and get your bag with your documents (same as the ones for your application).
Competition Bag:One-time timing chip, number bib, number tag, leg stick, competition brochure, memorial clothing for this competition, and souvenirs.
4. Pay Attention:
Please read “Competition Rules and Procedures” and “Legal Liability Exemption and Waiver of Rights” before the competition. The participants need to sign “Legal Liability Exemption and Waiver of Rights”in advance.
5. Timing:The competition uses one-time timing chip. This chip comes along with its instructions in the competition bag. Please check it and read the instruction carefully. Report any problems before you start the race.
6. Supervision and Report:
From August 17th to August 24th the official website will display the competitor list. This list will be monitored and Participants qualified for the competition will be doublechecked by the Cycling Association of China on August 26th. If they are found to be professional bikers according to the regulation mentioned above, they will be disqualified. If you are disqualified your application fee is forfeit. For more questions please E-mail: media@nordicways.com
August 27th, 2017 (Sunday)
07:45 Warm up show
08:00 Opening Ceremony
08:30 60km start
08:40 30km start
11:30 30km close
13:30 60km close
10:30-13:00 Music and Award Party
1. Rules:
①The competition will run according to the latest rules approved by the Cycling Association of China.
②During the race, if there are any violations, the referee committee will punish the participant according to the latest regulation.
③Force majeure Nordic Ways and/or the local organization committee is authorized to shorten race distances or cancel the event due to unforeseen or exceptional circumstances that jeopardize the security of the event or the safety of its participants
④Any mishaps caused by participants due tonot reading the race regulations means the relevant participant will bare all responsibility.
2.Start and Closing Time:
①Please wear a the helmet, number bib, and number tag on the bike. Please inspect your equipment according to the rules. If you fail to do this it may result in disqualification.
②5 minutes before the race. Please listen to the referees and prepare for start
③There are no starting blocks.
④Cut-off time for 60km is 13:30, which is 5 hours after the start. The cut-off timetime for 30km is 11:30, which is 3 hours after the start
3. Equipment Requirements:
① Bicycle for Competition:
a.The competitors should bring along their own equipment. All equipment must be self-propelled.
b. Bicycles for the competition should be approximately 26 inch to 29 inch mountain bike.
c.The tires should be 1.75 and above mountain treaded tire, you can not use slicks.
d.You can use the soft or hard suspension.
e.Front and rear wheels must have good brakes.
②Equipment of Contestant:
a.You should wear a timing chip, number tag, number bib, leg stick and riding clothes.
b.Contestants must wear helmets. No helmet, No start!
c.You can wear glasses, watches and things deemed safe. Bringing insecure objects are not allowed. These things include but are not limited to wine bottles, glass container, and music player.
1. Contestants need to prepare their bicycle for competition and all their, gear by themselves, You also need to bring your own helmet.. You must wear the number bib when you queue for the start. The referees preserve the right to disqualify anyone not meeting these requirements
2. No cheating, deliberatelyobstructing others or fighting, This will also lead to disqualification.
3. The electronic timing device is the priority device for the production of the race results, artificial timing is the auxiliary pole.
4. You should bring tires and tools for mending flat tires by yourself.
5. The Chief Judge will be appointed by the Cycling Association of China. The competition will be run according to the Associations latest rules .
6. In the case of harsh weather conditions the referees have the power decrease or increase the number of riders in a group. Thing may be altered to ensure a safe smooth completion of the race. Please make sure to pay attention to all announcements and notices.
7. Please make sure to stay updated via our website, and weibo. Also make sure to keep your phone at hand. We may try to contact you with any relevant information.
1.Please send email regarding the cancellation & mention the refund request to vivian.shi@nordicways.com, she organizing committee will refund your original payment channel within 15 working days.
2.Please following information was needed in the email: the participant name, ID number or passport number, telephone number.
3.Applying for refund before July 31th, 2017: 50% of the fee will be refunded to the cancelled participants.
45.On and after August 1st, 2017: no refund application for the event will be accepted by the organizing committee.
6.Refund for medical reasons: 80% of the fee will be refunded at all times before August 1st, 2017. No refund request will be accepted on and after August 1st, 2017. Participants must offer the copy or photo of the diagnoses certificate and receipt for hospitalization as the proof.
7.The registration cannot be transferred.Please send email changing category to gloria.guo@nordicways.com